Ok so today I went for an Tertiary Information Session event at Monash University to go and see all the stuff that was offered there! Different Universities set up booths to showcase what they have to offer! Scholarship information was available and even the Australian Military was there for recruitment hahahaha I jokingly wanted to join the air force or the navy hahaha! As usual the tradition of taking obscenely a lot of brochuers or booklets was done and surprise surprise Aldwin got the most! I guess he went to every booth! Overall it was a great event I got an idea on what i wanted to do and where to go so yeah it was fun! by the way the hall was awesome! I love the architecture and Blackwood Hall seems nice! In the hall is where all of us listen to the various stuff offered for next year and our options for the future. So overall it was nice and I really love the frees when I head back to BSC! Now I just gotta concentrate on the major exams coming up....
- Aaron Oo
- Aik Jun
- Alex
- AlexM
- Alicia
- Andrea
- Belinda
- Ben
- Ben Blog 2.0
- Carolyn
- Daniel (my twin haha)
- David Wong
- Education In Malaysia
- Eunice Lee
- EX-Busy Body PM
- Fish Leong
- H20
- Henry
- Jiang May
- Jienmay
- Jo
- Joanna Gough
- Junyi
- Karen
- Khit Yeng
- Lau Kong
- Leroy
- NJ
- peter khiew
- Philemon
- Product Of The System
- Puventhan No Longer Semangat
- Sai Kit
- ShadowFox Hideout
- Shahmani
- Thean ming
- Ting Jun
- Weng Sum
- Young's HIV
- Zach
I found this great story while surfing of the internet! Its kinda funny!
Excerpts from a Dog's Diary
* 8:00 am - Dog food! My favorite thing!
* 9:30 am - A car ride! My favorite thing!
* 9:40 am - A walk in the park! My favorite thing!
* 10:30 am - Got rubbed and petted! My favorite thing!
* 12:00 pm - Lunch! My favorite thing!
* 1:00 pm - Played in the yard! My favorite thing!
* 3:00 pm - Wagged my tail! My favorite thing!
* 5:00 pm - Milk bones! My favorite thing!
* 7:00 pm - Got to play ball! My favorite thing!
* 8:00 pm - Wow! Watched TV with the people! My favorite thing!
* 11:00 pm - Sleeping on the bed! My favorite thing!
Excerpts from a Cat's Diary
Day 983 of my captivity.
My captors continue to taunt me with bizarre little dangling objects.
They dine lavishly on fresh meat, while the other inmates and I are fed hash or some sort of dry nuggets. Although I make my contempt for the rations perfectly clear, I nevertheless must eat something in order to keep up my strength. The only thing that keeps me going is my dream of escape.
In an attempt to disgust them, I once again vomit on the carpet.
Today I decapitated a mouse and dropped its headless body at their feet. I had hoped this would strike fear into their hearts, since it clearly demonstrates what I am capable of. However, they merely made condescending comments about what a "good little hunter" I am. Bastards!
There was some sort of assembly of their accomplices tonight. I was placed in solitary confinement for the duration of the event. However, I could hear the noises and smell the food. I overheard that my confinement was due to the power of "allergies." I must learn what this means, and how to use it to my advantage.
Today I was almost successful in an attempt to assassinate one of my tormentors by weaving around his feet as he was walking. I must try this again tomorrow --but at the top of the stairs.
I am convinced that the other prisoners here are flunkies and snitches.
The dog receives special privileges. He is regularly released - and seems to be more than willing to return. He is obviously retarded.
The bird has got to be an informant. I observe him communicate with the guards regularly. I am certain that he reports my every move. My captors have arranged protective custody for him in an elevated cell, so he is safe. For now . . .
Ok life its getting really annoying here and stressful! Sigh I am beginning to treat this blog like a diary where I pour out all my sobbing grandmother stories for all the world to see but as you can see I am beginning to freak out! This month about 1 week plus before my major exams and it is getting really tiresome... I could not really concentrate on stuff that much anymore and just can't wait for the holidays beginning around 27 of JUNE! Ahh I am just rambling like an idiot again but anyways I needed to ramble something on the blog anyway! BTW it is still freakin cold here!
Here is my top 15 things I would do if I became an evil OVERLORD,Emperor, Sith Lord, Dark Demon,Sheriff of Nottingham, or any other super evil badass character!
1.My Legions of Terror will be an equal-opportunity employer. Conversely, when it is prophesied that no man can defeat me, I will keep in mind the increasing number of non-traditional gender roles.
2. I will exchange the labels on my folder of top-secret plans and my folder of family recipes. Imagine the hero's surprise when he decodes the stolen plans and finds instructions for Grandma's Potato Salad.
3. If I am dangling over a precipice and the hero reaches his hand down to me, I will not attempt to pull him down with me. I will allow him to rescue me, thank him properly, then return to the safety of my fortress and order his execution.
4. If my mad scientist/wizard tells me he has almost perfected my Superweapon but it still needs more testing, I will wait for him to complete the tests. No one ever conquered the world using a beta version.
5. I will not employ an evil wizard if he has a sleazy mustache.
6. If I'm wearing the key to the hero's shackles around my neck and his former girlfriend now volunteers to become my mistress and we are all alone in my bedchamber on my bed and she offers me a goblet of wine, I will politely decline the offer.
7. Mythical guardians will be instructed to ask visitors name, purpose of visit, and whether they have an appointment instead of ancient riddles.
8. I will not design my Main Control Room so that every workstation is facing away from the door.
9.If I am fighting with the hero atop a moving platform, have disarmed him, and am about to finish him off and he glances behind me and drops flat, I too will drop flat instead of quizzically turning around to find out what he saw
10. No matter how many shorts we have in the system, my guards will be instructed to treat every surveillance camera malfunction as a full-scale emergency.
11. My five-year-old child advisor will also be asked to decipher any code I am thinking of using. If he breaks the code in under 30 seconds, it will not be used. Note: this also applies to passwords.
12. My Legions of Terror will be trained in basic marksmanship. Any who cannot learn to hit a man-sized target at 10 meters will be used for target practice.
13.When I capture the hero, I will make sure I also get his dog, monkey, ferret, or whatever sickeningly cute little animal capable of untying ropes and filching keys happens to follow him around.
14. All naive, busty tavern wenches in my realm will be replaced with surly, world-weary waitresses who will provide no unexpected reinforcement and/or romantic subplot for the hero or his sidekick.
15. I will not grow a goatee. In the old days they made you look diabolic. Now they just make you look STUPID!
Heya my readers ever wondered why people especially from Ipoh like using the phrase Ipoh Mali! Well to honestly tell you I have no idea but i can hazardly guess that a certain song named Ipoh Mali has to do with it! I especially like the scenes in the video as it really reminds me of Ipoh! Heck i use to always walk along many of the areas where the video was film! So anyway enjoy the song below! Hahaha how many cities can boast their own mini theme song!
Ok last Friday morning I woke up late as usual and by the time I head to BSC i found that my sis was surrounded by lotz of people in the SLC (though i could be imagining things since i was still sleepy) I heard something about a church, concert, singing and oxygen) Somehow my friends asked her to force me to come! Hahaha but after Alwin aka How's Life Guy offer to be the transport I decided to go!
After a day of incredibly wonderful physics test which i was sure that i MAY not be doing well, i prepared myself to go to Knox!
In the church it was really noisy and lots of poeple everywhere! Met the first group of people at the entrance of the place which was Xi Chen,Esther, Sham and her brother and a few more! Aldwin decided to follow the George and the gang for a while and i waited at the entrance of till Jo and David showed up. Ok then i was given a what i would say a lame tour by Jo (hahaha just kiddin) around the place. Next found our place and we went to the front part of the stage at the incredibly loud music and lotz of people jumping occur! I nearly got knocked down in the process hahaha! Also as a firts timer i got a free soda but i finish mine preety quick (was damn thirsty pretending to scream hahahah) my sis gave me mine and it was damn nasty! it says it taste like lemonade but it taste like something else ( the next day i had a sore troat)
But either way it was great night i got to hear some funny but meaningful talk by a guy whats-his-name and got to meet up with some old friends! Some of them I did not really notice untill through MSN later when i came back saying that I was seen there! Ok thats preety much it for this post and seeya!
P.s. later i went on CityOfLife website the church is apparently a is a non-denominational megachurch in Australia but with its theology is base on the Pentecostal church. So this is the also the first time I been to one of this so call mega churchs! Also World Youth Day in Sydney is also coming (yeah! i always wanted to see it up close)
Just to deviate my mind from exams! The video below is how Avtar be like if its made in Japan!
Life seems "great" this week! Wonderful exams,assignments and everything in between so its kinda a stressful week for most people! But for me it seems to be putting me further into sleep mode! Hahaha! i guess since i never get stress at all my body just compensate it for extra sleep! It remind's me of my days back in F5 when i have this great ability to sleep in front of teachers without them noticing and all those people around me got KENA instead hahahaha! Sigh nerding its all i have going untill mid-year! I am beginning to spend more time in the library than the classes itself! i am beginning to be bored as always and with more weird days coming up like dress up day i am gonna feel even more bored ( due to being out of place with lotz of funny looking people) Ok thats all i have nothing really much to add to this blog! But I am seriously in need of a long holiday after mid-years! Seeya!
Oh ya and I am about to move to a new house very soon and i hope by then I memorise some important bus routes! LOL its not going to be walking distance for me to college anymore! well technically i can still walk but seriously with the load of stuff i bring everyday it will be suicide!
In a post a while ago where I talk about my most favourite food in the world! It is called the Ban Chien Kueh also known as Apam Balik! (the name vary from region to region) and Yeah I know that I should be studying for the exams but I just can't resist posting the recipe for this great finger food! Here you are hope you enjoy it! Btw being in Austarlia I kinda miss going to the pasar malam every now and then to buy this! Sometimes I even go to the night market only for this!
(sift together)
# 200g self-raising flour
# ¾ tsp bicarbonate of soda
# ½ tsp salt
# 25g castor sugar
# 160ml water
# 160ml UHT milk
# 1 egg
# 40g butter or margarine, melted
# 1 1/8 tsp alkaline water (also knownas gan sui i think sorry my cantonese is damn rusty)
# ½ cup toasted peanuts, grind coarsely
# ½ cup coarse granulated sugar
In a large mixing bowl, add salt and sugar to
the sifted ingredients. Beat in the egg, water
and milk and stir in the melted butter or margarine.
Whisk until mixture is smooth and well
combined, then stir in alkaline water. Mix
into a smooth batter. Set mixture aside for
50–60 minutes to rest. Cover with a clean tea
Heat a non-stick saucepan over a mediumlow
heat. Lightly grease the saucepan with a
little oil. Clean off any excess oil with a paper
towel. Then pour a ladleful of batter into the
heated pan. Swirl the pan so that the batter
forms a round. Sprinkle some toasted peanut
and sugar over it, then cover pan with a lid.
Cook until the centre of the pancake is cooked
through and the edges turn golden brown.
Remove and fold into half, then serve it and enjoy savouring every nutty flavour and joy it brings!
P.s. if you guys are like me I usually add some cream corn or sometimes chopped strawberries along to give it and extra kick into it! Hahahaha!
Sigh its already Sunday an another week to go through! Looks like a busy week assignments,reports,work and other stuff to get through! Not only that in 34 days time I will finally get to sit for major exams and unit 3 for my sciences is history! Hahaha looks like a busy week ahead of me after all! I am gonna MIA for a while....
And oh yeah just wanna wish a very Happy Birthday to Suang and may she do well in the exams!
That pretty cover it all and have a great week everybody! Ok back to work......
Hahaha just watch the boiling rocks on AtLA! And this time they are no stupid filler like episodes! Btw I came across this great fan-made trailer and I decide to post it here! Best lines in the episodes!:
Sokka:my girlfriend turned into the moon"
Zuko:"Thats rough buddy"
Guards: How do you know he is not telling a lie?
Azula's: "because I'm a people person"?
Sokka: Oh, good, you guys have met
Suki: Acutally.... we met a long time ago
Zuko: We did?
Suki: Yeah.... you kinda burned down my village
Zuko: Oh.....sorry about that..... Nice to see you again!
Azula and Ty Lee coming!
Suki: This is the rematch I am waiting for!
Prisoner: Guys your girlfriend is going...(Suki runs off)
After Suki Go all ninja like and she defeated all those guards, climbed up walls, and captured the warden in a few seconds!
Hakoda: "panting" Thats some girl!
Sokka: "panting" Yeah tell me about it!
Guards: what are you doing!
Mai: saving the jerk who dump me!
Mai and Azula fighting ( shuriken vs blue flames/lightning)
Ty Lee stuns and disable Azula! Acting all innocent afterwards!
Ty Lee: C'mon Mai lets go!
And finally:
Zuko:....... like a silver sandwich! LOL hahahaha!
Hahaha I can't wait for the two hour movie finale!
Ok after reading the news from http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=/2008/5/9/nation/21198312&sec=nation
Damn I can't really stand this! Even one death is bad enough but this is getting ridiculous! Sickness and deaths I can't really believe they are still continuing it! Damn it somebody should step down already! Damn it I am seriously angry about this! What the hell are they thinking! NS was originally intended for some stupid mother@$#^&*% UMNOPUTRAS to make money! ( yeah that was originally its stupid purpose despite saying its for national building) I could accept if they want to make money like the sad and stupi cronies they are but go to hell! This is to much!! Scrap NS! Heres what I think of you crappers
(i am just to angry to write sensibly)
Heya people anyway today I was browsing through the college library and lo and be hold i found some books from one of my most favorites after C.S Lewis and Tolkien was the K.A. Applegate. I absolutely love her most famous series of books called the Animorphs! I was initially introduce to the world of Animorphs by an annoying friend of mine who use to flip those Animorphs pages at my face! Hahaha for your information she just love flipping the pages through as each book has this little pictures printed at the lower left hand site of the book and when you flip them you can see the pictures moving like a mini movie! She is never tired of flipping them in front of me! But anyway back to the post!
The Animorphs series tells the tale of a secret alien invasion of Earth but instead of an all out in your face invasion ala Independence Day or War of The Worlds, it is secret. The Aliens are actually slug like beings that crawl into a person ear and take over their brain and affectively their body. They have control nearly all the major organisations of Earth namely the police,teachers and scientist. But another group aliens called Andalites are trying to stop the yeerks and in an apocalyptic encounter in space an Andalite war prince before he died gave 6 kids the power to morph or change into animals (using some really cool technology) but before any of you say wow that sounds like some corny power rangers or super sentai series IT is not! Its reads lore like a modern day Middle Earth Novel as Applegate manages to flesh out the characters very nicely and the plot for each book keeps me coming back for more!
Overall the plus points for this series is really REALLY great fast pace and incredible writing! The plot is surprisingly very addictive and original. And the twist and turns plus the deaths of various characters in the series made me love it even more! I am now currently trying to find the final 6 books in this great series of 54 books! And after seeing some of my most favorites characters come and go i really want to find out what happen at the end of the series! below are some of the book covers featuring my two most favorite characters name Jake and Rachel!
and heres the cover for the final book in the series but somehow i am still unable to find it! I wonder where it is? However the final tagline for the book is it began with 6 and ends with 5 just give me goosebumps thinking about it!
I always thought that studying about electronics and photonics in physics is really boring(those of you who studied under Mr Chong will know hahaha!) but today thanks to Mr Hender my physics teacher it became kinda exiting! We are doing stuff about the transistors and as usual i nearly fell asleep trying to make sense what he was talking about! (lotz of complicated jargon hehe) anyways then midway through the lesson he went and talk about the amplification properties of the transistor and even showed us a program he wrote himself to try to show the entire class what he meant!
Next thing I know he said that he put a microphone in the next class earlier in the day (a room away) and activated his computer and next thing i knew it we can actually hear what is going on in the next class! Hahaha who knew a physics teacher can be such a sly spy! He bugged a class for fun hahaha! He then continue talking about the coupling effect and showing the diffrent clippings of the sound waves as he adjust the program so we can hear diffrent stuff in the next room! Amateur spy he ain't!
Looks like I know who to call if ever need to spy on anybody! Hahaha!
Hehe heya people this MAY ( if i find something interesting and random i would post it anyway) be last blog until the weekend as I have lotz of stuff to do! Having a SAC and other important stuff which I can never reveal hahaha!
I also have rummage through all my files,videos and music files ( thanks to all you guys for downloading stuff ....illegally of the net haha just jokin but all the files that you have shared with me is taking lotz of my computer space but anyway before i delete a certain video i plan to post it here soon hahaha you guyz have to wait and see
It will be posted by Saturday i think anyway have a great day and will be back blogging on during the weekend! Hahaha! okay see ya and have a great day! In the mean time enjoy these funny pix i found on the NET Hahaha!
Ok i kinda ran out of ideas for this next post but I today I discovered that there are lotz of colorful wearing rubber spandex fans! Guys like Aldwin, Wilson and Brendan are power ranger freaks though they would not admit it hahahahaha! So to help get through their addiction just I am gonna post some videos below to help them hahahaha! Enjoy!
And if you want to know the entire history of the power rangers see the videos below!
Thats all noobs and especially to Brendan,Aldwin and Wilson enjoy! And to all the other freaks...... i mean fans do not feel bad you should know that in the last power ranger convention 90% of the people going there are well into their 40's! So enjoy being one of the many fans or freaks! Hahahaha!
After so many years thinking that I can type quite fast and accurately I just discovered that i had gotten slower way slower! Hahahaha I use to be easily getting about 50 words per minute( but i think typing with one hand also contribute to this terrible result lol was eating and typing at the same time haha) but guess since I never really bother to type in the computer I drop! Sigh looks like I must improve on it!
36 words
Hahaha and i just wanted to post the video below as a really random video (taken during the sports carnival thing hahahaha) After all this blog is all about randomness!
After reading the entire manga chapters of Rurouni Kenshin I just realize the large similarities and differences between the mange and anime! Both of them suck after the Shishio Makato Arc! Hahaha but the endings really great and different! While the anime has a really sad and poingnant ending where Kenshin and Kaouru succumb to disease at the end while their love for each other was still strong but the manga has a lighter and more happier ending!
Seeing Kenshi, Kaouru playing with their son was great as well as when Yahiko succeed Kenshi just gave me goosebumps until the very end! The part where they were reunited at the end was also really great and it did great justice to this long going manga! Here are some parts from the reunion!




Hahaha Todays the day I finally got a hair cut, my aunt has been complaining why my hair is so loooonnng! Hahaha anyways I went around for some really cheap barbers but most I can find in AUS are the really expensive ones! But thanks to advice from a friend I manage to find one in a suburb! Its not really a shop but more like a house with a room dedicated for the hair cutting business! Hahaha I was lost for a while trying to find the place, anyway its was like a vietmamese place so i was kinda worried i will not be able to communicate! (hahaha unlike malaysia i just need to "grunt" to the mamak barber to communicate one"grunt" for short 2 "grunts" for a really short cut!)
but luckily he can speak cantonese and with my limited knowlege in cantonese ( hey after all i grew up and was raised as well as stayed 6 years in ipoh) i manage to tell him what i want! He showed me some styles and it was like this is seriously dumb coz all of them is just bout styling hair and nothing about short cut! some of them completely block the eyes and i was thinking to myself this is retarded but soon out the shortest hairstyle available and it was snip snip and now i am kinda bald hahahaha just kiddin though i wanted the hairstyle below:
Hahaha anyways thats all its post is quite pointless and reads more like a pointless naruto or bleach filler hahaha but hey at least i am updating this blog right and a haircut to boot! Seeya!
p.s. Oh ya a big thank you to BEN for the Yui songs!
Wow the the upcoming movie featuring the ever funny Will Smith is coming up and its name is Hancock! I was like what the heck is this movie about and what a stupid name but after a while i kinda like it when i saw the trailer! Its so cool and with old Will here it will sure gonna be a great movie! Here are some screen shots! Hahaha Will trying to look cool in Hancock!
Old Lady: Hey your not the house cleaner!
Hancock: Oops sorry I thought u call for comedian to bring the house down!
( get it bring the house down hahahaha) The great hancock looking smug after 'saving' THE DAY! hHAHAH
Ceh! Hancock going one on one with a foul and loud mouth kid!
hAHAHA LOOKS LIKE A GREAT MOVIE! I gotta see it when it comes out on July 3rd!
Oh ya! And I also want to take this oppotunity to wish David 17 ( wonder why they call him that anyway?) A really Happy Birthday! Happy B'day man!
Wow this article really brought back memories! After all I first heard this story during a church camp and thx to Daniel ( my twin haha) and all the others who have been forwarding this so that I can read this again! Enjoy!
An Atheist Professor of Philosophy speaks to his Class on the Problem Science has with GOD, The ALMIGHTY.
He asks one of his New Christian Students to stand and . . .
Professor : You are a Christian, aren't you, son ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So you Believe in GOD ?
Student : Absolutely, sir.
Professor : Is GOD Good ?
Student : Sure.
Professor : Is GOD ALL - POWERFUL ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : My Brother died of Cancer even though he Prayed to GOD to Heal him.
Most of us would attempt to Help Others who are ill.
But GOD didn't.
How is this GOD Good then ? Hmm ?
( Student is silent )
Professor : You can't answer, can you ?
Let's start again, Young Fella.
Is GOD Good ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Is Satan good ?
Student : No..
Professor : Where does Satan come from ?
Student : From . . . GOD . . .
Professor : That's right.
Tell me son, is there evil in this World ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : Evil is everywhere, isn't it ?
And GOD did make Everything. Correct ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : So who created evil ?
( Student does not answer )
Professor : Is there Sickness ? Immorality ? Hatred ? Ugliness ?
All these terrible things exist in the World, don't they ?
Student : Yes, sir.
Professor : So, who Created them ?
( Student has no answer )
Professor : Science says you have 5 Senses you use to Identify and Observe the World around you.
Tell me, son . . . Have you ever Seen GOD ?
Student : No, sir.
Professor : Tell us if you have ever Heard your GOD ?
Student : No , sir.
Professor : Have you ever Felt your GOD, Tasted your GOD, Smelt your GOD ?
Have you ever had any Sensory Perception of GOD for that matter ?
Student : No, sir. I'm afraid I haven't.
Professor : Yet you still Believe in HIM ?
Student : Yes.
Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn't exist.
What do you say to that, son ?
Student : Nothing. I only have my Faith.
Professor : Yes. Faith. And that is the Problem Science has.
Student : Professor, is there such a thing as Heat ?
Professor : Yes.
Student : And is there such a thing as Cold ?
Professor : Yes.
Student : No sir. There isn't.
( The Lecture Theatre becomes very quiet with this turn of events )
Student : Sir, you can have Lots of Heat, even More Heat, Superheat, Mega Heat, White Heat, a Little Heat or No Heat. But we don't have anything called Cold..
We can hit 458 Degrees below Zero which is No Heat, but we can't go any further after that.
There is no such thing as Cold.
Cold is only a Word we use to describe the Absence of Heat.
We cannot Measure Cold.
Heat is Energy.
Cold is Not the Opposite of Heat, sir, just the Absence of it.
( There is Pin - Drop Silence in the Lecture Theatre )
Student : What about Darkness, Professor ? Is there such a thing as Darkness ?
Professor : Yes. What is Night if there isn't Darkness ?
Student : You're wrong again, sir.
Darkness is the Absence of Something.
You can have Low Light, Normal Light , Bright Light, Flashing Light . . .
But if you have No Light Constantly, you have Nothing and it's called Darkness, isn't it ?
In reality, Darkness isn't.
If it is, were you would be able to make Darkness Darker, wouldn't you ?
Professor : So what is the point you are making, Young Man ?
Student : Sir, my point is your Philosophical Premise is Flawed.
Professor : Flawed ? Can you explain how ?
Student : Sir, you are working on the Premise of Duality.
You argue there is Life and then there is Death, a Good GOD and a Bad GOD.
You are viewing the Concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure.
Sir, Science can't even explain a Thought.
It uses Electricity and Magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one.
To view Death as the Opposite of Life is to be ignorant of the fact that
Death cannot exist as a Substantive Thing.
Death is Not the Opposite of Life : just the Absence of it.
Now tell me, Professor, do you Teach your Students that they Evolved from a Monkey ?
Professor : If you are referring to the Natural Evolutionary Process, yes, of course, I do.
Student : Have you ever observed Evolution with your own eyes, sir ?
( The Professor shakes his head with a Smile, beginning to realize where the Argument is going )
Student : Since no one has ever observed the Process of Evolution at work and
cannot even prove that this Process is an On - Going Endeavor,
are you not Teaching your Opinion, sir ?
Are you not a Scientist but a Preacher ?
( The Class is in Uproar )
Student : Is there anyone in the Class who has ever Seen the Professor's Brain ?
( The Class breaks out into Laughter )
Student : Is there anyone here who has ever Heard the Professor's Brain, Felt it, Touched or Smelt it ? . . .
No one appears to have done so.
So, according to the Established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that
you have No Brain, sir.
With all due respect, sir, how do we then Trust your Lectures, sir ?
( The Room is Silent. The Professor stares at the Student, his face unfathomable
Professor : I guess you'll have to take them on Faith, son.
Student : That is it sir . . .
the Link between Man & GOD is FAITH.
That is all that Keeps Things Moving & Alive.
Here is a some really great stuff that i found off the NET!
Three years ago, Lee Spievack sliced off the tip of his finger in the propeller of a hobby shop airplane.
What happened next, Andrews reports, propelled him into the future of medicine. Spievack's brother, Alan, a medical research scientist, sent him a special powder and told him to sprinkle it on the wound.
"I powdered it on until it was covered," Spievack recalled.
To his astonishment, every bit of his fingertip grew back.
"Your finger grew back," Andrews asked Spievack, "flesh, blood, vessels and nail?"
"Four weeks," he answered.
Andrews spoke to Dr. Steven Badylak of the University of Pittsburgh's McGowan Institute of Regenerative Medicine and asked if that powder was the reason behind Spievack's new finger tip.
"Yes, it is," Badylak explained. "We took this and turned it into a powdered form."
That powder is a substance made from pig bladders called extracellular matrix. It is a mix of protein and connective tissue surgeons often use to repair tendons and it holds some of the secrets behind the emerging new science of regenerative medicine.
"It tells the body, start that process of tissue regrowth," said Badylak.
Badlayk is one of the many scientists who now believe every tissue in the body has cells which are capable of regeneration. All scientists have to do is find enough of those cells and "direct" them to grow.
"Somehow the matrix summons the cells and tell them what to do," Badylak explained. "It helps instruct them in terms of where they need to go, how they need to differentiate - should I become a blood vessel, a nerve, a muscle cell or whatever."
If this helped Spievack's finger regrow, Badylak says, at least in theory, you should be able to grow a whole limb.
Advances That Go Beyond Theory
In his lab at Wake Forest University, a lab he calls a medical factory, Dr. Anthony Atala is growing body parts.
Atala and his team have built, from the cell level up, 18 different types of tissue so far, including muscle tissue, whole organs and the pulsing heart valve of a sheep.
"And is it growing?" Andrews asked.
"Absolutely," Atala said, showing him, "All this white material is new tissue."
"When people ask me 'what do you do,' we grow tissues and organs," he said. "We are making body parts that we can implant right back into patients."
It's very much the future, but it's today. We are doing this today.
Emerging from an everyday ink jet printer is the heart of a mouse. Mouse heart cells go into the ink cartridge and are then sprayed down in a heart shaped pattern layer by layer.
Dr. Atala believes it's a matter of time before someone grows a human heart.
"The cells have all the genetic information necessary to make new tissue," Atala explained. "That's what they are programmed to do. So your heart cells are programmed to make more heart tissue, your bladder cells are programmed to make more bladder cells."
Atala's work with human bladder cells has pushed regenerative medicine to a transformational breakthrough.
In this clinical trial at Thomas Jefferson Hospital in Philadelphia, Dr. Patrick Shenot is performing a bladder transplant with an organ built with this patient's own cells. In a process developed by Dr. Atala, the patient's cells were grown in a lab, and then seeded on a biodegradable bladder-shaped scaffold.
Eight weeks later, with the scaffold now infused with millions of regrown cells, it is transplanted into the patient. When the scaffold dissolves, Dr. Shenot says what's left will be a new, functioning organ.
"The cells will differentiate into the two major cells in the bladder wall, the muscle cells and the lining cells," he explained. "It's very much the future, but it's today. We are doing this today."
Repairing The Wounded
Today, one of the biggest believers in regeneration is the United States military, which is especially interested in the matrix that regrew Lee Spievack's finger.
The Army, working in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh, is about to use that matrix on the amputated fingers of soldiers home from the war.
Dr. Steven Wolf, at the Army Institute of Surgical Research, says the military has invested millions of dollars in regenerative research, hoping to re-grow limbs, lost muscle, even burned skin.
"And it's hard to ignore this guys missing half his skin, this guy's missing his leg," Wolf said. "You start asking the question, is there somebody out there with the technology that can do this for us?"
"You mean regrow the tissue?" Andrews asked.
"The answer," Wolf said, "is maybe."
At the burn unit at the Brooke Army Medical center, the very idea of regeneration brings a glimmer of hope.
Army Staff Sgt. Robert Henline was the only survivor of an IED attack on his Humvee north of Baghdad.
"It's a great idea," Henline said, talking with Andrews about the military's investment into the new technology. "If they can come up with something that's less painful and can heal it with natural growth, without all this scarring, it's definitely something to check into."
Regeneration Race Goes Global
Several different technologies for harnessing regeneration are now in clinical trials around the world. One machine, being tested in Germany, sprays a burn patient's own cells onto a burn, signaling the skin to re-grow.
Badylak is about to implant matrix material - shaped like an esophagus - into patients with throat cancer.
"We fully expect that this material will cause the body to re-form normal esophageal tissue," Badylak said.
And in a clinical trial at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, patient Mary Beth Babo is getting her own adult stem cells injected into her heart, in hopes of growing new arteries. Her surgeon is Dr. Joon Lee.
"It's what we consider the Holy Grail of our field for coronary heart disease," Lee said.
The Holy Grail, because if stem cells can re-grow arteries, there's less need for surgery.
"It's a big difference from open heart surgery to this," said Babo. "If people don't have to go through that, this would be the way to go ... if it works."
The Business Of Regeneration
Corporate America, meanwhile, already believes regeneration will work. Investment capital has been pouring in to commercialize and mass produce custom-made body parts.
The Tengion Company has bought the license, built the factory, and is already making those bladders developed at Wake Forest that we told you about earlier.
"We're actually building a very real business around a very real and compelling patient need," said Dr. Steven Nichtberger, Tengion's CEO.
Tengion believes regeneration will soon revolutionize transplant medicine. Transplant patients, instead of waiting years for a donated organ, will ship cells off to a lab and wait a few weeks to have their own re-grown.
"I look at the patients who are on the waitlist for transplant," said Nichtberger. "I look at the opportunity we have to build bladders, to build vessels, to build kidneys. In regenerative medicine, I think it is similar to the semi-conductor industry of the 1980s, you don't know where it's going to go, but you know it's big."
Its really great knowing we are soon to be able to regrow our body parts! Imagine how many lives can be save! Though there are some issues about implementing this breakthrough in some countries ( aiyah u know the halal non-halal business)
Despite this great advantages it must be warn though that like all technolgy it has the potential to be misuse. Hopefully the military will not misuse it to create bio-weapons out of it or even "super soldiers" that can't be killed! It should just be use for civilian purposes to help us the human race progress peacefully!
Spy eye

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- I made mistakes, face disappointments, heart broken,assaulted, mugged and faced empathy. Life can be tough to face sometimes and to some people all life can be impossible all the time. But when we look back and reflect on our memories and achievements we will find that life is not so bad after all. This blog is my reflection on those memories.
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- Stydying or I would call it Nerding!
- How to make a mouth watering and heavenly Ban Chie...
- Busy week ahead of me!
- Finally Season 3 Resumes!
- Damn what the HELL are those bloody buggers doing!
- Books that I really want to read!
- Practical Applications of Physics.....Spying!?!?
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- For all YOU Power Ranger Freaks ( err... I mean FA...
- Wow I suck at typing! And a really weird video!
- Rurouni Kenshin!
- Snip! Snip! What the heck... I am bald! Hahaha!
- Hancock!
- Great Story!
- Wow! Soon we all can be like the mutant Wolverine!
Bye Malaysia?