Ok I just ran through Ben's blog about his best pictures he has ever taken! So I was also inspired to do the same and began to rummage through my entire collection of photos and decided to post my best and worst photos I ever taken! Some are hilarious, some are good and some are plain... well plain! HAhAHA enjoy!
Ok lets start with the place I am nearest at now at the ever bustling city of Melbourne or more specifically the incredible large campus of Melbourne University!
Below is one of the various clock tower the university has to offer!
Ok so now back to my country of 17 years Malaysia and where else but the ever scenic Cameron Highlands. Below its a zen like garden at the lodging place where I use to go for camp!
The colonial architecture of Cameron Highlands! Hahahaha I sneek out of camp eraly in the morning to take a really nice stroll around the place and taking pictures and returning before they realize I was gone!
Flying of the Shanghai now as I take this really cool picture of a boat that has this large LCD display for advertisements and light shows!
Heres another my very own version of the famous Pudong skyline that made Shanghai so famous!
Hers a really cool picture I took from the top of the Oriental Pearl Tower! ( The one with the oddly shape rocket like tower! Hahahaha!) Just look at the boats!
Ok so now on to my worst pictures which has to be taking photos of people! I just suck at it! Below is a fine example of me trying to take this fine specimen called Philemon and failing miserably
Ok maybe I should pair up Philemon with Eunice........
Why Philemon....Why!!!$@^!@%^#?
Then again I can't really blame him as I do not really good in photos anyway! I have this weird fetish with hand signals! Hahahaha wonder why she followed me as well!
There it is again! I wonder how can i pose like that! And somehow Huey has it as well!
Lets face it the only reason why I look reasonably ok in this pix is because of all the smarty pants surrounding me and..... one bodekker there! (Hahahaha just kidding!!!)
Ah yes My first pix which does not have weird hand signals and no ugly faces! Courtesy of Janice Louis.
Hahaha thanks to Janice I somehow manage to cover half my face!
- Aaron Oo
- Aik Jun
- Alex
- AlexM
- Alicia
- Andrea
- Belinda
- Ben
- Ben Blog 2.0
- Carolyn
- Daniel (my twin haha)
- David Wong
- Education In Malaysia
- Eunice Lee
- EX-Busy Body PM
- Fish Leong
- H20
- Henry
- Jiang May
- Jienmay
- Jo
- Joanna Gough
- Junyi
- Karen
- Khit Yeng
- Lau Kong
- Leroy
- NJ
- peter khiew
- Philemon
- Product Of The System
- Puventhan No Longer Semangat
- Sai Kit
- ShadowFox Hideout
- Shahmani
- Thean ming
- Ting Jun
- Weng Sum
- Young's HIV
- Zach
Well I finally received my UMAT practice exam booklet through the internet! For some reason I was to lazy to drive to the nearest bookstore to find a UMAT book since due to incredibly insane price of oil in AUS plus the additional burden of having a really weak MAS ringgit, I was force to limit my adventures outside! Hahahaha! So thank you Australia Post for saving me from financial ruin!
Hahaha! Anyway back to the test. For those of you that do not know UMAT is basicaly one of the various troublesome requirements that a person have to undergo before that they can apply for any medical or science base courses in universities in Victoria. Hence yours truly have to take it since I am trying to get a place in dental health next year or maybe medicine if I get unexpectedly very high results! But to honestly tell you my hole in the pocket is seriously burn after spending 75 bucks just to apply (its actually 50% higher then that but since I am technically 'poor' here , i got a health card that allows me to pay half the amount! Hahahahaha!)
Going through the exam question its really weird because instead of all this really tough science base question I was expecting it was more like an aptitude/IQ/general knowledge test! Wow I thought to myself that this may be tricky and it was! Hahahaha! but its kinda fun answering the question because its the semester break right now and I seriously do not want to restudy the chemistry of what type of DNA is heavier again! So below are some sample questions from the EASY sections that I think can give you my fellow readers a good idea on what its is about! Enjoy!
Example Questions — Section 1
Botanists studied a rainforest in Nicaragua that had been
ravaged by Hurricane Joan in 1988. They found that in the
following ten years the number of tree species had increased by
at least 200%, and up to 300%, in eight storm-affected plots.
Other plots not affected by the hurricane showed little if any such
1 From this information, it can be concluded that
A hurricanes play an important role in ensuring the
long-term survival of tropical rainforests.
B when the dominant trees in an area of tropical
rainforest are destroyed, other species are given a
chance to flourish.
C the overall life of a tropical rainforest is increased if
large areas are occasionally levelled to the ground.
D the productivity of a tropical rainforest will be
maximised if large areas are occasionally levelled to
Example Questions — Section 2
Bob’s wife, Mary, has been in hospital recovering from a heart
attack. The doctor informs Bob that she is now well enough to
return home, although she will need to ‘take things easy for a
Bob: I’m glad she can come home now Doctor, but I’m not
sure I can look after Mary by myself. We live on our own, you
Doctor: Bob, it’s natural to feel a little anxious, but the best
thing for Mary will be to be back in her own environment.
1 In his response, the doctor has
A not realised that Bob is concerned.
B not really dealt with Bob’s concerns.
C responded to Bob’s concerns effectively.
D made Bob feel bad about being concerned.
2 Following the doctor’s reply, Bob is likely to feel
A relieved.
B empowered.
C embarrassed.
D apprehensive.
Hahaha there are a lot more question from where that came from so i seeing that I can't really copy down all the sample question I suggest anybody intersted should visit here http://umatweb.acer.edu.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=21&Itemid=3
Ok thats all seeya!
Well its already a holiday break here for me already and what a what to begin it! I was so sick in the final 3 days of studying and now I at the beginning of the my semester break I am still recovering from my bed ridden illness sigh... Anyway I have lots of stuff to do as always and for the first time sleeping is relegated to my second priority (surprise ain't you) So to kick of my lovely long awaited break from being a bookworm I am gonna list down my top ten list that I WILL/MUST finish during this break!
1. Finish watching the entire Naruto series from season 1-4. (Thank you Graham for the DVDs!!!
2. Practice and polish my long neglected guitar playing skills.( I was so busy for the past few months that I did not have the time to practice!!!)
3. Actually finish my holiday assignments before the next semester! (Next semester is gonna be the toughest yet!!)
4. Find more games for my DS emulator.
5. Watch the season finale of Avatar. (They finally decided to show the air the conclusion of the seried after how many freaking months!!!)
6. Gotta revise my Mandarin vocabulary. (Well I kinda figured that I have to pick it up again since its an Asian Economic Era and all!)
7. Exercise. ( Well all those extremely fattening Aussie barbecue and Italian pasta/lasagna is seriously doing a lot to my health!)
8. Complete my novel to be an aspiring writer!
9. Sleep less. A lot LESS.
10. Never get SICK again!!!! ( I am so sick of being SICK!!!!)
Yes just one more final week of boredom read study! Before the holidays!!! Finally a semester break! Its really a great relief that I can finally have some down time for myself! Hahahaha!
After suffering with the mid-years (chemistry was difficult but fun and physics was fun but difficult) Biology on the other hand was a yawn fest! It was to easy ...jeez I am begin to sound overconfident here!
Ok so my plans for the holidays is just gonna be filled up with lots of badminton time at Monash, basketball near my place and finally I can finish my 1000 page novel I was planning to start on in my quest to be a great writer! Hahahahahaha! Happy Holidays everybody (ot at least to myself!!!.... Now if only I can do something about the weather....Stupid rain!
WoW i recently read an article at http://www.thestreet.com/story/10422230/1/did-this-college-admissions-junkie-play-fair.html
and its about this guy from New York that applied to 18 colleges and was offered a place in 17 of them!!1 Institutions namely Harvard,Stanford and other Ivy League schools gave him a place! The only College that turn him down was MIT. Damn is that guy lucky or what! Seriously I envy that guy quite a lot! He must have lots of money to spend as well (in th US a person must pay a fee just to send and application to a University of their choice!!)
Sometimes I wonder what it takes to have such luck in the world. Heck I wonder how it feels like to have the privilege to say NO to some of the offers by one (or in this case 17) top universities in the world! Ok I know that I am rambling but you have to wonder why can't I be like him sometime in my life! Hahahaha! Seeya!
Yeah me I finally found a DS emulator that works!!! It took me a while to find the latest and most stable version of this emulator, heck I went to all this internet forums to try and find one but at long last I finally succeeded!! Using the DS emulator is pretty fun as I can use the touch screen feature with the mouse and playing games on it is unique! Downloaded 10 DS games so far and I hope they are worthwhile! For your information the most stable DS emulator out there right now is NO$GBA. Ok thats all Seeya!
This is a testament that I have nothing to blog about in a while... So my as well I post a random video. Enjoy!
Just finish reading an article about Superman at (http://news.my.msn.com/entertainment/article.aspx?cp-documentid=1466621) being seventy years old already! To tell you the truth I still can't really believe a blue spendex underwear wearing outside guy can be so influential! C'mon the guy is like a super brand as well! Lets see 6 movies, dozens of cartoon series, a few live action series, a spin off with the very hot Kristin Kreuk and an entire range of toys that will make almost every consumer conscious guy and girl to want one. I must admit i wish i created that character earlier! If i did that I will be a multi billionaire by now! Hahahaha I envy the creators of Superman so much!
But honestly I can imagine lots of other characters from movies and comics and books that can totaly own Superman! Lets start of with...
The force users from Star Wars!!! The Jedi and the Sith with their ability to use the force can kill the man of steel so easily!
HECK even the ugly face of Darth Sidious can give old supes a heart attack! Just look below!
Samuel L Jackson as Master Windu can whoop supes ass anyday!
Heck any random jedi can own old blue boy anyway!
And heres the most ridiculous thing Superman has a weakness to magic can you believe that! This means Gandalf from LOTR can mop the floor with Supes face!
And Harry Potter can what turn Superman into a toad?
So anyway Happy 70th Birthday Super dude and may all your spendex fighting days continue with you! Just keep your gruby dirty hands of Kristin Kreuk!
LMAO! Just drop them in the jungle with a hunting knife!
This is really well made and thought provoking video about the views of students today about education and their lifestyles with some of the most relevant issues we face today. The editing was exceptionally well done and what can I further say - It was a great video! Enjoy!
Woah I heard its Fathers Day back in good old Malaysia! Hahaha I did not know at all! After all Fathers Day in Australia is only celebrated later in the year so sorry dad I hope I am not being too insensitive by not calling you during Fathers Day!
In response to the article at http://www.malaysia-today.net/2008/content/view/8616/84/
Which states that he will resign if he can't reduce the price of oil is something I find it a little disturbing. Here are my views on this issue.
Though I admit that Amwar aim to reduce the price of oil is very commendable and deserve praise I can't help feel that our country obsession with the price of oil can be detrimental to the state of the Malaysian economy. Yes I am sure that Anwar has the intelligence to reduce the price of oil by making Petronas more transparent or through strategic subsidies but I believe it is time for the Malaysia to have a strong drive and ambition to reduce it dependency on petroleum. Having studied the chemistry of hydrocarbons while studying I had seen the history of the production and rate of consumption of petroleum by the world since the 13th century by early civilisations. With this substance humanity was able to expand in ways unimaginable back then. With this Black Gold we have conquered the world but at the price of being addicts to this drug. Just look at our everyday things, I bet you can't find one single item that has not been produce without petroleum!
If Anwar seriously want to make a difference to the Malaysian economy he has to begin to do something much more drastic aside from reducing the price of oil which is to begin the catalyst to reduce the country dependency on oil. The peak production of depending on who you talk to has either passed or very close. Malaysia should begin to invest heavily not only on energy alternatives but also enact new laws to reduce the usage of all petroleum base products. Here is my list on Anwar should do to seriously make the Malaysian economy more efficient and cost effective.
1. Plastic bags - All shopping complexes and supermarkets have to seriously look into banning plastic bags all together and encourage shoppers to carry bring their own shopping bag. Here in Australia it is a common place to see shoppers to bring their own bags to carry their items. Some supermarkets charge extra for every plastic bag that the shopper asked for to encourage them to bring their own bags. Other places just banned plastic bags all together. Right now Malaysians just shamelessly ask for extra or more plastic bags to every time they purchase items from a supermarket. Those that do bring their own shopping bags are sometimes suspected of being shoplifters by the security guards! (Its true I had seen cases of this happening)
2. Improve transport system - Lets face it many Malaysians avoid public transport unless they have no choice but to use it. I had used many buses and taxis back in Malaysia and to tell you the truth most of them are in a very sorry state. They should seriously overhaul the most basic systems such as the trains, buses and taxis. The country does not seriously need another grandiose construction project such as the over hype LRT project to improve the transport system. All they need is new buses and taxis with better train people to drive/operate them.
3. Slash import taxes (or any tax for that matter) for all "green cars" - It is time to give Malaysian drivers a REAL choice to make to help the environment. They are many car manufacturers that have to develop automobiles that run on electricity, hydrogen and even steam!!! There are also many hybrid cars out there that can give the consumers more choices as well. Below are some models that should be seriously considered. Heck if our automobile market is open to this green cars just imagine the investments that will pour in!
The hydrogen powered FCHV (Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle) was developed by Toyota in 2005
2007 Tesla electric powered Roadster
4. Increase taxes on automobiles that run exclusively on petroleum – This does not need to be implemented directly but just until the ratio of ‘green’ cars to petrol run cars are in the favour of green cars. It’s a great idea I believe to make people that had not taken the imitative to help the environment to pay for it. After all if we are going to die due the destruction of the Earth’s environment at least make all those emphatic people suffer some pain in their pockets before that happens right?
5. Buildings – Seriously there should be new laws that require all new houses and buildings to pass a very strict environment and safety laws. All new buildings should at least be capable to generate 5% - 10% of its total energy needs through solar power or any other sources. Later all other older buildings such as homes and factories should also be upgraded
Ok that’s all I guess these are just the few relatively small steps that I will suggest to our dear Anwar when he becomes Prime Minister. I sincerely believe It is time somebody do something bout the state of dependency of oil!
I just love the angry german kid videos on Youtube! Heres one of my favourite spoof! [Warning!!!!] lotz of vulgar language involve!
I always had admired how people or fans such as the one below actually has the ability and passion to create such great fan trailers!!! I just wanna share this video! I love the song selection plus the great editing!!! Favourite scenes for me all the firebending scenes by Aang and Suki!
Hahahaha I am feeling kinda bored after exams so I decided to resume playing Dominion Liege Lord which I had neglected for many months now here are my latest rankings! Hey if you guys played better more then me its your business I just play for fun and lest often!
Hahaha I had been concentrating on the magical ops and espionage rankings! After I started late and attacking land of other Dominions is to late for me! Hahahaha but at least I have a defense of 28 DPA more then enough to cover my lands! Seeya!
Finally exams are over.... but for some reason I do not really feel anything with a hint of depression! (ok now i sound weird) but seriously after going through chemistry and physics papers I kinda know what I am going to get and its not gonna be any good! Most people found it hard ( i forced myself to finish the questions even it means putting the most ridiculous answers out there!) but that does not really cheer me up! I know its hard but its a long time since I felt this feeling in an exam - panic- Hahahaha In my humble opinion I did not really had a lot of time!
After the exams I was kicking myself for not studying the stupid chemical goind ons in DNA and learning how to interpret the NMR graphs properly! Sigh this sucks so much! I seriously hate this test! There was also a weird question asking me to WRITE the structural formulas of the chemicals along with ALL the bonds! I thought to myself whether they meant to DRAW OR WRITE! I end up doing both and it took a large chunk of my time! Damn I just can't stand it I just know I screwed up too many question....
So in conclusion I feel rotten doing this stuff and the stupid cold weather does not help! Sigh I am also coming down with a flu something that has not happen in a long time...! Ok thats all for now I just hope the coming holidays will be better! And please no more cold and windy this....
Woah I this quiz is fun! So i decided to try out by putting the names of people I know! Hahahahahaha!
Woah I have a kissing skill of 100% the rumours about me are true!
This guy below is a jack of all trades!
Ceh lemahnya!
INI sudah terlalu lemah! Hahahahahahahahaha! Gotta love this quiz is damn funny!
Ok thats all folks i better stop before somebody kills me! Hahahaha! (I am doing this in the middle of an exam somemore haiz...)
WHAT MAJOR IS RIGHT FOR YOU? created with QuizFarm.com | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
You scored as English/Journalism/Comm You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Communication, English, Film, Journalism, Literature, or Writing.

This is strictly from a mathematical viewpoint...
It goes like this:
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that
might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
AND, look how far Ass Kissing will take you.
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that while Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and
Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
The finale of my hectic exams schedule is coming to a close after going through some really tiring SACS and studying and assignments which I forgot to pass up I finally can face my last and largest exams for this year! After the 14 of June I will finally complete my Unit 3 for Biology, Chemistry and Physics! YES I can just feel the happiness within me! Hahahaha! After that my only major stuff is UMAT is coming later in the month! Its a really hectic month after all hahahaha!
Also just a note here it seems that shakers or the mechanical pencil with a shaker is rare in AUS! Hahahahaha! some of my friends here think is a cool product! They never really seen a shaker before hahahaha! Weird isn't it? But i guess some stuff that a country has in abundant in another country is very rare! Ok thats all seeya!
Spy eye

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts
About Me
- I made mistakes, face disappointments, heart broken,assaulted, mugged and faced empathy. Life can be tough to face sometimes and to some people all life can be impossible all the time. But when we look back and reflect on our memories and achievements we will find that life is not so bad after all. This blog is my reflection on those memories.
- Australia (11)
- books (1)
- comics (3)
- Cryptography (1)
- education (3)
- Exams (1)
- Health hazards (3)
- How To (2)
- Humour (8)
- Internet (5)
- IT (1)
- Malaysia (11)
- manga (1)
- Movies (3)
- personal (22)
- photos (1)
- politics (10)
- Random Ramblings (34)
- science (2)
- Season Greetings (6)
- Songs (1)
- Spiritual (1)
- sports (2)
- The economy (4)
- university (7)
- My Best And Worst Photos I have Taken!
- Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admissi...
- Finally A Long Awaited Break!
- YES!!!!! A WEEK TO HOLS!!!!
- Do You Ever Wish You Were Lucky Like This Guy?
- Finally I found a DS Emulator that works!
- This is a testament that I have nothing to blog ab...
- Wow Seventy Years Of The Blue Spendex Guy!
- Now If Only Elections Were This Funny!
- A Vision Of Students Today.
- Happy Fathers Day!
- Anwar And The Price Of Oil
- Hahahaha! Another funny video!
- Woah I absolutely love this fan made trailer!!!!
- Kinda bored after exams...
- Exams Over....
- What the.....Hahahaha!
- Another personality quiz on what I should be!
- This is strictly from a mathematical viewpoint...
- So close.....
Bye Malaysia?