Holidays Almost Over!  

Posted by DJLIM

Well this is gonna be my last post before my semester break ends and since I am moving to a new house soon couple with the fact with a busy term next week I can only say this I am screwed! Hahahahaha I already miss the late nights and sleeping in late so much that it hurts! So I am just gonna post some really cool random stuff to kill time! Hence firtsly!

Top ten ways the Bible would be different if it were written by college students

10. Last Supper would have been eaten the next morning - cold.

9. The Ten Commandments are actually only five, double-spaced, and written in
a large font.

8. New edition every two years in order to limit reselling.

7. Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn't cafeteria food.

6. Paul's letter to the Romans becomes Paul's e-mail to

5. Reason Cain killed Abel: They were roommates.

4. The place where the end of the world occurs: Finals, not Armageddon.

3. Out go the mules, in come the mountain bikes.

2. Reason why Moses and followers walked in desert for 40 years: They didn't
want to ask directions and look like freshmen.

1. Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, He
would have put it off until the night before it was due and then pulled an all-nighter

And here is a simple tribute to all my friends back home who are beginning college or university back home in good old BolehLand!! Hahahaha enjoy!


- that it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class I'd sleep right
through it

- that I would change so much and barely realize it

- that you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways

- that college kids throw airplanes, too

- that if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you're so dressed up

- that every clock on campus shows a different time

- that if you were smart in highschool - so what?

- that I would go to a party the night before a final

- that chem labs require more time than all my other classes put together

- that you can know everything and fail a test

- that you can know nothing and ace a test

- that I could get used to almost anything I found out about my roomie

- that home is a great place to visit

- that most of my education would be obtained outside my classes

- that friendship is more than getting drunk together

- that I would be one of those people my parents warned me about

- that free food served at 10:00 is gone by 9:50

- that Sunday is a figment of the world's imagination

- that psychology is really biology, biology is really chemistry, chemistry is
really physics, and physics is really math

- that it is a really good idea to go places alone

- that it's possible to be alone even when you're surrounded by friends

- that friends are what makes this place worthwhile!

- don't be dismayed at goodbyes

- a farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments
or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.

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