At number 1 bottled water for pets!!! Wowsounds stupid and funny at the same time. Poor animals force to drink from a a nasty old bottle. Wonder how they open it with no thumbs and all....
Wow the name itself would cause anybody with a headache to think twice before buying it......
Who in right mind want to smell like a motorbike! A harley Davidson perfume why does that not surprise me!
Seriouly COSMOPOLITAN should just stick to writing gossip and stuff, the yogurt business jut leave it to the nutritionist not the editor.
Ok now they should seriously listen what I told them before leave yogurt out of shampoo!
Wow cocaine in a can no wonder it never made it to the market place!
- Aaron Oo
- Aik Jun
- Alex
- AlexM
- Alicia
- Andrea
- Belinda
- Ben
- Ben Blog 2.0
- Carolyn
- Daniel (my twin haha)
- David Wong
- Education In Malaysia
- Eunice Lee
- EX-Busy Body PM
- Fish Leong
- H20
- Henry
- Jiang May
- Jienmay
- Jo
- Joanna Gough
- Junyi
- Karen
- Khit Yeng
- Lau Kong
- Leroy
- NJ
- peter khiew
- Philemon
- Product Of The System
- Puventhan No Longer Semangat
- Sai Kit
- ShadowFox Hideout
- Shahmani
- Thean ming
- Ting Jun
- Weng Sum
- Young's HIV
- Zach
Ok its really a long time since I did any blogging and all since I had no internet and was also really busy so I am gonna summarize what i did in the past 3 weeks offline!
1. When to Melbourne Uni to do some Mendelian genetics experiment with vinegar flies listing down their various genetic mutations! ( wow sounds so boring......but at least I got to go somewhere). Other stuff included trying our hand on analyzing DNA with gel electrophoresis.
A gel electrophoresis equipment.
Hey there little fly do you wanna be mutated?
2. When to possibly the weirdest/funniest music festival in my life time called Music Madness. Well some acts were good others disturbing and some just sing for the fun of it!
3. Studying!
4. Spent 4 hours assembling and troubleshooting my new ADSL internet line! ( I so miss my wireless modem)
5. Watch the season 3 finale of Avatar and I loved it to bits!!! I want a season 4!
6. Spent an hour each morning thawing the ice on the car windscreen! (it seriously sucks the cold weather seem to freeze averything! (I even saw on the news that some other cities like Sydney Snowed!!
7. Sleep!!! Yeah my favourite activity in the world especially when the weather is cold!
Ok thats all gotta go I am having my UMAT tomorrow!
Well this is gonna be my last post before my semester break ends and since I am moving to a new house soon couple with the fact with a busy term next week I can only say this I am screwed! Hahahahaha I already miss the late nights and sleeping in late so much that it hurts! So I am just gonna post some really cool random stuff to kill time! Hence firtsly!
Top ten ways the Bible would be different if it were written by college students
10. Last Supper would have been eaten the next morning - cold.
9. The Ten Commandments are actually only five, double-spaced, and written in
a large font.
8. New edition every two years in order to limit reselling.
7. Forbidden fruit would have been eaten because it wasn't cafeteria food.
6. Paul's letter to the Romans becomes Paul's e-mail to
5. Reason Cain killed Abel: They were roommates.
4. The place where the end of the world occurs: Finals, not Armageddon.
3. Out go the mules, in come the mountain bikes.
2. Reason why Moses and followers walked in desert for 40 years: They didn't
want to ask directions and look like freshmen.
1. Instead of God creating the world in six days and resting on the seventh, He
would have put it off until the night before it was due and then pulled an all-nighter
And here is a simple tribute to all my friends back home who are beginning college or university back home in good old BolehLand!! Hahahaha enjoy!
- that it didn't matter how late I scheduled my first class I'd sleep right
through it
- that I would change so much and barely realize it
- that you can love a lot of people in a lot of different ways
- that college kids throw airplanes, too
- that if you wear polyester everyone will ask you why you're so dressed up
- that every clock on campus shows a different time
- that if you were smart in highschool - so what?
- that I would go to a party the night before a final
- that chem labs require more time than all my other classes put together
- that you can know everything and fail a test
- that you can know nothing and ace a test
- that I could get used to almost anything I found out about my roomie
- that home is a great place to visit
- that most of my education would be obtained outside my classes
- that friendship is more than getting drunk together
- that I would be one of those people my parents warned me about
- that free food served at 10:00 is gone by 9:50
- that Sunday is a figment of the world's imagination
- that psychology is really biology, biology is really chemistry, chemistry is
really physics, and physics is really math
- that it is a really good idea to go places alone
- that it's possible to be alone even when you're surrounded by friends
- that friends are what makes this place worthwhile!
- don't be dismayed at goodbyes
- a farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments
or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
Ok i recently had gain a new found interest in cryptography and was spending a lot of time on it during this past holidays but it is a seriously annoying hobby so anyone with great metamathematical knowledge with a love for puzzles please help me decode the following codes! I know the type of techniques that goes in encrypting them but I hope you guys can help!
BZDRZQ'R VHED LTRS AD ZANUD RTROHBHNM (for this i already solve it using the Caeser Shift Cipher, its kinda easy when I know what key to use!)
But this code really sucks!
I AM guessing the one above uses a Vigenere Cipher
and lastly the code below
which uses the same old Caser Shift Cipher!
So if any of you have an idea on how to crak the message please tell me!! I seriously suck at it!!!
p.s. for more info on the other types of cipher press here
Hahahaha I know that such articles have been around a long time but I just can't resist posting it here! Enjoy!!!
Just see below - Ours is simple,short,concise, straight-to-point, effective etc......... ahem¡K.
Britons: I'm sorry, Sir, but we don't seem to have the sweater you want in your size, but if you give me a moment, I can call the other outlets for you.
Malaysians: No Stock.
Britons: Hello, this is John Smith. Did anyone page for me a few moments ago?
Malaysians: Hello, who page?
Britons: Excuse me, I'd like to get by. Would you please make way?
Malaysians: S-kew me
Britons: Hey, put your wallet away, this drink is on me.
Malaysians:No-need, lah.
Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Malaysians: (pointing the door) can ar?
Britons: Please make yourself right at home.
Malaysians: Don't be shy, lah!
Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.
Malaysians: Where got?
Britons: I'd prefer not to do that, if you don't mind.
Malaysians: Don't want la...
Britons: Err. Tom, I have to stop you there. I understand where you're
coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.
Malaysians: You mad, ah?
Britons: Excuse me, but could you please ! lower your voice, I'm trying to concentrate over here.
Malaysians: Shut up lah!
Britons: Excuse me, but I noticed you staring at me for some time.. Do I know you?
Malaysians: See what, see what?
Britons: We seem to be in a bit of a predicament at the moment.
Malaysians: Die-lah!!
Britons: Will someone tell me what has just happened?
Malaysians: Wat happen Why like that....
Britons: This isn't the way to do it here let me show you,
Malaysians: like that also don't know how to do!!!!
Britons: Would you mind not disturbing me
Malaysians:Celaka u
Oh ya just wanna wish fellow blogger Jienmay a really Happy Birthday!!!
Hmmm I recently got a an email telling me how some restaurants scam people into thinking that their dishes are not as they seem. WARNING IF you are a squemish get out of here now!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm below looks like a normal plate of fried chicken right!!!! Well you are gonna be in for a surprise!!?!?!?!@@!?
Surprise! Surprise! Its rats not chicken!
Lets see how they prepare it!!
Step 1, remove the hair or skin it!
Step 2, well see for yourself!
Step 3, Fried the rats disguised as chicken!!!
step 4, Put in herbs to disguise the tatse!! Add seasoning's for tatse!?!?!/!
Voila ready to serve to all unsespecting customers!!!
Really disturbing isn't it!! Looks I am going vegetarian for a while!!!
Below is a movie I made about the going ons in my old school a long time ago and was afraid to put it online due to repercussions from the peole inside hahahaha but since I am so far away enjoy!
Note the writer does endorse any untowed behaviour to celebrities and warn all readers that rumours about him stalking celebrities are UNTRUE and this is only for fun ...........................................well for the most part it is! Hahahahaha! Anyway enjoy this humorous post I hope!
1. First of all, get a large table, preferably wooden. Paint it your chosen celebrity's favorite colour, or put on a table cloth that colour. I just gotta stalk Yui long enough to find her favourite colour! Haahahaha!
2.Put the table up against a blank wall so you can stick things up behind it
3.Find some merchandise. CD/Record cases are a must of the celebrity is a singer or in a band, DVD cases if they are an actor/actress . Mugs, promotional photoshoots, t-shirts, art-work, even drawings you've made of them.
4.Put in a poem about them, or some mantras or letters you've written to or about them.
Example: Yui, yui.yui,yui,yui.
your so Yui,
Your Yuiness makes us all Yuiterds.
Forever and ever YUI!
Hahahahahahaha you got to admit that is funny!
5.Find some decorative items; Fairy lights if a popstar, Rose Buds if a romantic show, skulls if they are in a death metal band etc. Well for this I am gonna just put a few hundred guitars!
6. Finish it off with a nice collage of their photographs, centered by a photo of you with them cut out to look like they're with you . Aw :)
* Always carry a camera pen and a photo of them around, just in case you bump into them and could add a signature to your collection, as well as an actual picture of the two of you together
* If you go to one of their concerts or plays, make sure to photo copy the tickets so you can remember the night
* Put your CD player on the table if they are a singer or in a band, because your CDs will be there
* Frequently check eBay for celebrity items. You never know when there'll be another auction for a piece of Yui half eaten chewing gum!
* If you offer K-Fed a few grand, he might be willing to let YUI or any other celebrity sit on your little celebrity shrine, thus allowing for you to grovel before her and worship, if you're into that sort've thing.
* Try to put the shrine in somewhere dark and not frequented, like a catacombs or cellar. The hallway of your front door is not suitable.
* Don't tell too many people about this, or they might think you are obsessive because, well, you are.
* Don't try and act like them, it will just end badly
* Don't forget to put some jewelery or clothes similar to what they've once worn. It will really finish it off.
Hahahahaha thats is what I call extreme!!!!
Ok its not even half way through my holidays when I am beginning to feel that I am damn worried about my studies for next term! I know it sounds kind of crazy saying this in the holidays but I am seriously worried about it! After my fiasco with the mid-years and reading to MANY stories about people who work hard and still FAIL in UNI life, thanks to the incredible massive database of sad stories I ran through while reading blogs fro other people I naturally got worried! So I decided to go through the list of subjects/chapters I am gonna do next term.
Lets see going through Biology I have an its gonna be everything to do with genetics and human evolution aka the Darwanian theory. Wow sounds .......................................................
BORING! Hahahaha but then again I was always reading stuff about human evolution and I sorta like genetics back in form 5! (remember the wonder meiosis and other genestic stuff)
For chemistry its gonna be everything to do with the industry and energy so should be difficult as always. Physics well more of the same old stuff about electricity,light,photoelectric effect and waves but the stuff I was really hoping to do for my detail of study I HOPE is gonna be Photonics especially Quantum theory! Hahahaha I sound like a nerd but when I saw this program aboout it when I was little thanks to ASTRO i fell in love with it! I just hope that I do not get synchrotron of light! That is crappingly complicated by the looks of their damn long equations!!! Heres an extract from ever trusty book of insane physics! Hahahaha! (I suggest you click on the image so you can have a better view)
Hahahaha well for the rest like English guess I am gonna go through my same strategy like always by pretending to sux at ENGLISH while I do other stuff! Hahahaha! Ok thats all seeya!
Well judging by the article from The Star 9 can be read here
it can be argued that Malaysia as a country are not really serious about the biggest sports event in the world! I am actually kinda sad seeing that this problem is most probably due to some inconsistent and idiotic person within the administrative council at Bukit Jalil for allowing other teams to use their training spot! Seriously how can they allow this. I may not be really a die hard sport enthusiast but I like everyone else just love to partake in the ever joyous occasion of supporting our home country urge to win! I had watch the swimming events by this swimmers in the past ever since they were in SUKMA and I can say that they are actually very good in their events and may even spring a surprise in the upcoming Beijing Olympics!
Sigh and this is not really an isolated problem, in every other field we have been consistently been hindered by administrative miscommunication or problems that often causes irrelevant problems to be a major issue affecting the training of the athletes. So I plead to the terribly misguided and mismanage sports council to actually think before they carry out any action that will deter the potenetial of our aspiring Olympian. As for Daniel Bego, Khoo Cai Lin, Lew Yih Wey and Siow Yi Ting just do your very best for the Olympics!
Spy eye

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About Me
- I made mistakes, face disappointments, heart broken,assaulted, mugged and faced empathy. Life can be tough to face sometimes and to some people all life can be impossible all the time. But when we look back and reflect on our memories and achievements we will find that life is not so bad after all. This blog is my reflection on those memories.
- Australia (11)
- books (1)
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- Cryptography (1)
- education (3)
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- Health hazards (3)
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- Humour (8)
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- Malaysia (11)
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- personal (22)
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- Season Greetings (6)
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- sports (2)
- The economy (4)
- university (7)
- Top 6 Biggest Product Flops!
- Finally A Little Free Time!
- Holidays Almost Over!
- Hei help me solve this!!! Anyone!!!!
- Manglish VS English
- Rats Its Not Chicken!!!!
- My Movie
- "How to Build a Shrine to Your Favourite Celebrity...
- Okay So Now I am worried about next term!
- Is Malaysia Actually serious about the Olympics?
Bye Malaysia?