I was having a zombie movie marathon and I decided to find out what the internet has to offer to survive ZOMBIE APOCALYSPE! I came across this great article and decide to post it here! Hahaha! Enjoy!
First things first, you have to know your enemy. Zombies come in two flavors: fast and slow. Fast are definitely cool, but you'll need more than a baseball bat and a pair of running sneakers to survive that zombie attack. Slow zombies - well why the heck would anyone die from a slow zombie? If you can't get away from a slow zombie, you earned dismemberment.
Let's suppose that you made it through the first 10 minutes of the zombie-fest, and while most of your town are looking for live flesh to feast on, you're wondering how to hot-wire a car and get out of town. You need a plan of action...
I'm assuming the reader isn't currently experiencing a zombie outbreak. If you are, skip down to the next section.
Preparing now for zombiedom is a good idea. Remember what the TV preacher said, "When hell is full, the dead will walk the earth." So it's bound to happen sooner or later. Since it would look wierd if you started bricking up your windows and stockpiling rifles, you have to be smart about this.
First, get to know the guy in town who bought a pallet of Spam to survive Y2K. He probably still has a ton of that stuff around, and knows all the good hiding places.
Next, scout out all the big box retailers that carry ammo and food. Not too many eh? Tough luck, blue-stater. Someplace like WalMart is ideal, especially with the Garden Center for seed and stuff for longterm survival. A big bonus would be a nearby Home Depot or some such place so you can get plenty of lumber and quick-mix concrete for fortification.
While you're preparing, always keep in mind locations where people congregate - you're likely to find lots of zombies there when things turn ugly. Highways, malls, and schools are especially bad. You also might want to mention to your friends and family in passing how well your hiding place could be defended, etc. That way, when the zombies come, they'll remember you said that and come help you. I don't recommend telling them you're preparing for a zombie invasion.
First, the Fun Stuff
After your initial panic, it's important to remember that a significant component of your surivival is the demise of the ghouls trying to get your tasty brains. Despite some reports to the contrary, the only way to permanently un-animate a zombie is to destroy its brain. This isn't rocket science (although that would be a cool way to do it). A gunshot to the head is the most direct way to disable a zombie, but not the only way. Decapitation also works, although the head will probably still function so don't let it bite you. If you survive long enough, and society collapses along with any hope of rescue, you'll need to develop some means of skull penetration that doesn't involve guns - a professional bowhunting setup works if you can get it. You might be squeamish at first, taking out your neighbors; with time this will pass, you might even adopt a gleeful hangman's sense of humor in your executions.
Run or Hide
This is a no-brainer. You gotta hole up somewhere eventually, but pick carefully. Let's say that the outbreak is localized to your city, but you know that the neighboring town is zombie-free. Flee to the neighboring town. I know this sounds obvious, but don't sit around waiting for grandma to bite you. Get to the safe town, find a gun store, and join the Minuteman Militia.
But that isn't much fun, so let's think about what you'd do if the whole country is overrun. Since you already did your prep work, make a bee line for the WalMart you picked out earlier. Hot Tip: Pick a new WalMart if you can. Zombies tend try to do the things they were doing when they were alive, so they're gonna head to the mall, or WalMart, or school... you get the idea. And since we're on the subject, malls are a bad place to hole up in. Too many entrances, and not enough goodies for long term survival.
In short, pick a new general merchandise or grocery big box store. You get lots of canned food to eat, and only one or two large entrances to guard.
Use the Buddy System
Don't be a dummy. If your buddy is bitten by a zombie, shoot him in the head and get it over with. Otherwise, gather the refugees, Rambo, and lead them to safety. People will follow anyone who acts like they know what they're doing, and you need the manpower to subdue the throngs at WalMart.
Not to mention that a good zombie attack needs plenty of extras.
Since the average WalMart has enough food to keep a few thousand people fed for a week or more, you should have enough staples to get by for a few months if you limit your group to around 100 or so. There's a trade-off here between having enough people to defend your fort, and enough food to keep them fed. I don't know if zombies are edible, but that's a possibility if things get rough. It's not really cannibalism, is it?
The basic idea to get from this section is, have enough people to root out the zombies and block the entrances, but not so many people that you have to ration the food heavily. Also, make sure you have some girls. Preferably hot chicks, but in the absence of those some tough biker babes would work.
Zen and the Art of Fortification
How lame is this... you and a few buddies are holed up in a mall, with who knows how many entrances, and instead of bricking up the glass you eat hot dogs on the fine china Macy's?
First, you aren't going to do that, because you already picked out the big box retailer you're taking over. Second, you're going to spend the first day sealing all entrances. If you chose wisely, you have a store with some kind of concrete mix in it, or a home building center nearby. As soon as you've cleared the store of zombies, and maybe even before, you need to brick up the glass entrances. You can worry about the others later, they're smaller and harder to open from the outside anyway.
Be generous and thorough with your fortification. A few pieces of lumber nailed up is OK for an emergency start, but don't forget to make it permanent. You might consider some kind of buttress design as well, since I'm not sure what kind of force thousands of zombies could put on an amateur brickwork.
Finally, don't make the mistake of assuming your fortifications will hold. Check them everyday, measuring the wall to make sure it hasn't moved. You also might consider building a second wall in case the first gets broken through.
T-Shirts aren't Bite Proof
This is one I've never figured out. Zombification occurs shortly after being bit by a zombie. So why are people running around in t-shirts for days and weeks after Z-Day? Get some freakin armor! Thick leather will work in the short term. Later on, get some aluminum siding or something else metallic and affix it to your clothes. Even zombies can't bite through that stuff. Important areas to protect include the forearms, neck, and legs. Just make sure it's flexible enough to give you some freedom of movement. Helmets are a good idea too, but anything other than motorcycle helmets would look dorky, and I'd rather be a zombie than a dork with a pail on my head.
Great isn't it but if all fails just kill yourself you retards! Better dead than the undead!
- Aaron Oo
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- AlexM
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- Ben Blog 2.0
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- Daniel (my twin haha)
- David Wong
- Education In Malaysia
- Eunice Lee
- EX-Busy Body PM
- Fish Leong
- H20
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- Jiang May
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- Joanna Gough
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- peter khiew
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- Product Of The System
- Puventhan No Longer Semangat
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- ShadowFox Hideout
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- Young's HIV
- Zach
1. What's your favorite anime at the present time?-
Bleach,Law of Ueki and generally all anime
2. Given the chance, what special ability/power would you like to have?-
The ability to read ppl minds and seek their deepest darkest secret! Hahha sounds scary!
3. How do you think about yourself?-
Dispicable hahahaha easily bored more like it!
4. Where is the place that you want to go the most?-
Well to the after life and actually come back to write a bestselling book about it hahahaha!
5. If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?-
Write a best selling book about the afterlife hahahaha!
6. Do you have a crush now?-
Crush? I never CRUSH anyone before! Gasp what if i kill him/her!
7. What are you afraid to lose the most now? -
My computer! Its literally my life!
8. If you win $1 million, what would you do?-
put under my pillow and sleep with it! i always wonder how that feels like!
9. If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her?-
Aiyah being single for a couple more years sounds better to me!
10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you.-
friendly,easy to talk too,kinda cute hahahaha!
11. Which type of person do you hate the most?-
I hate ppl who like to attack me for no apparent reason and then accuse of doin stuff which i was'nt
12. What is your ambition?-
Doin somethin heroic and dying in the process! what am i sayin.... stupid english novel corrupted my mind! Never read Sky Burial!
13. If you have fault, would you rather the people around you point out to you or would you rather they keep quiet?-
I do not really care!
14. What do you think is the most important in your life?
GOD! then my family then my friends,then my wife,then my 2nd wife,then my mistress,then my slave...etc hahahaha
15. Are you a shopaholic or not?-
God No I am to poor! Hahahaha
16. What is the thing that you really want now-Sleep its like 1 am in the mornin already!
17. Why does it hurt when you punch someone?-
Damn why must his bones be made up of steel!
18. Is there anything that you have done which you regret?-
well there the matter of the day i was born........
19. Are you hungry right now?-
yup gonna fix myself a snack before sleeping!
20. Do you think that this survey is totally useless?-
No its not TOATALY useless is just PLAIN useless! hahahaha!
Okay thats all I do not want to tag anybody I never really like startin chain letter stuff anyway!
Hahaha its has almost 4 months now being overseas in Australia and so far it has been great though there are still lotz of things i miss being in Malaysia! This are my top 5 list of what i miss in Mal€aysia!
1. FOOD!!!!!-Food in Malaysia is way better than most stuff the Aussies can produce here anyway!
I am not sayin it is bad but it is just not as colorful or as tasty as MAS food! Hahaha
I sincerely miss my favourite nasi lemak,lok lok, char kui tiew,hor fun,hakka mee,muruku,roti tisu, all the kui muih and of course those of you who know me very well the ever delicous and nutty ban chan kui!Hahaha I just fall in love with the sight of any of those such foods and willing to do anything for them when I go back to Malaysia! Ummm just thinkin of it makes me hungry!
2. The weather!- The best way to summarise it up here is the weather sux big time! One minute cold ,one minute boiling hot well its just vary to much for me! When it rains I can often be seen wearing the most hideous and thickest clothes just to stay warm in a heated room! LOL if its really cold I often take my sister pink fluffy slippers to wear! (i rather my feet warm than bein called WEIRD HAHAHA)
3.Talkin MAS Politics- Kinda miss just hangin around with my friends and listen to them bashing the goverment (u hear that Chien Young and Clement and all the critical wannabe politicians out there hahaha)! just wish i can be part of the exciting times happenin in Malaysia politics right now! Hmmm maybe one day I join Pakatan Rakyat and contest in the elections! Hahaha!
4.TV SHOWS!- I miss all the shows that Malaysian tv channels show everynight and everyday of the week! Shows like Smallvilie (what season is it now?), Gilmore Girls ( i just love the witty and funny dialogues),Amazing Race Asia(go team Malaysia! and Japan sorry just love the Japanese team Daichi and SAwaka!), One In A Million (Faizal and Suki 4eva),heck i even miss all the cantonese and TVB shows, The Quikie (I love those guys and thx for the prizes hahaha i just love hearin Phat Fabes,Razif Hashim, Rina omar,Aishah sinclair and the hottie Belinda talk hahaha), all the anime on AnIMAX!, and lotz more!
5.Cheap rates at the cybercafe!- Sigh spending a few bucks in Aussie cyber cafes for only two hours is rediculous! With that money I can spend like 2 whole days in cyber cafe in MAlaysia for the same amount! Imagine DOTA, World Of Warcraft and lotz more for the whole day!
Okay guys ever heard or use a love calculator before? I know that most of you have and to most it can actually be just a scam! After all most Love Calc (LC) are just weird and random scams right and more often than not lotz of spam comes along with it especially SMS style calc! Hahaha but you be surprise that some calculators actually have some truth behind it that allows it to work! Its usually done by using mathematics and denoting each alphabet in the name with a specific number or symbol! Hence when the numbers or symbols are added up and made close to each other the final answer is often the one where a name is the same as the name of your crush/love!
Fascinating is't it? Here's an example:
Nicole Smith and Richard Gere; more often than not this type of name paring the possibility of this pair workin out is at least 80% . However if a name like Katara and Zuko is calculated it will be lower than 20% for it to work out! (sorry to all ZuTara fans out there!)
In conclusion the type of name given is more often than not are tied to numbers that made up a name! An interesting note though names are often given out acording the norms and rights of a culture or race so a name that belongs to a same culture or race will result a better overall % in the LC! If a name from Indian sub-continent like Shileena Madhavan is calculated with an European name like Danny Oswald it will fair poorly on the LC! It is after all true that people from diffrent culture will often find it hard to be compatible with each other!
However I must also say that If you guys wanna love to work for you, never depend solely on the LC! There are many cases that it will work out even though the LC says directly the opposite! Thats all folks! Try it yourself and tell me what you think!
I woke up this morning feeling kind of blue
and I stumbled out of bed
and dragged my feet across the room
Right outside my front door was a rose
and a note that said 'Somebody Loves You'
But out on the street it starts to pour
and before I get soaking wet,
A total stranger runs to give me
the jacket off his back
I turn around to thank him
But he waves me with a smile
I can hardly believe my eyes
He puts on a halo and starts to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look at Paradise
You could be next to
an angel in disguise
I met a good friend for lunch
and we had a delicious meal
But I forgot to bring my wallet
I felt like an imbecile
But she was sweet, she gave me a treat and
Bought me a chicken sandwich
To take home for tea
But out on the street with nothing to eat
A man and his shopping cart go
Travelling to places,
Collecting social graces
I give him my sandwich
and we chatter for a while
I see a rainbow wash over his eyes
He gives me his halo and
I start to fly
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to an angel in disguise
Don't try to hide away from me
I know you're by my side
Take a look at the ordinary
Don't need to look for Paradise
You could be next to
an angel in disguise
Everyday can be legendary
Every minute, an endless surprise
You could be the next angel in disguise
I woke up this morning
Feeling kind of new.
Well great and inspirational lyrics ainT it? Its even better when you actually hear her sing! So head to Youtube And find the songs or imeem is preety good choice as well!
This is just a post i use to have on friendster so i am postin it here 4 fun! Enjoy!
Teachers The VITAL Statistics
note: this post is not meant to represent true facts or for malicous purposes. it is purely for fun if any party is offended pls contact me immediately if not sit back and enjoy.
PN Thevanei aka Jigglypuff/Historian/Storyteller
+ points:fantastic storyteller,historian,preety good Chemistry teacher,genuinly cares for the wellfare for students,great planner (remember the schematics of the stadiums before sports day)
- points:stories can be too long,seems to hate 5sc1,wish some stories can begin with some other lines instead of "40 years ago" or "you boys",also does not seem to have the ability to choose the appropiate FONT color for her powerpoints
overall rating: 4/5
Shaw wanni aka Historian (duh sejarah teacher),Sideburn puller
+ points:knows her subject better than most PHD holders in sejarah, friendly,one of the few teachers that doesn' seem to hate 5sc1
- points: her abilty to pull sideburns is painful
overall rating:4/5
Mr. Cheng aka engineer,doctor,mathematician,heck everything since add maths is EVERTHING
+ points: fantasticly dedicated teacher,GENIUS:0 ,GENIUS,GENIUS,one of the few teachers that does not put us down most of the time:)
- points: sometimes mumbling to himself while teaching.
Overall rating: 5/5
Chong aka physics and master discipiline
+ points: great pysicz teacher,smart,can joke (i think),not bad,experience
- points: too much power points in teaching (makes me sleepy)
overall rating: 4/5
Pn Rosenah
+ points:better then former BM teacher,knows BM very well, friendly,easy to approach
-points:talks too much with clement,jeevan,potha (guys if your reading this pls don't take this the wrong way)
Overall rating: 5/5
Thats all folks pls wait for the 2nd part of the list. (pls leave a comment or two)
Yes finally one of my most favourite manga ahas finally been realease ans Law Of ueki Plus the second part of law of ueki is finally release and to tell you the truth it does not fail to disapoint. The makers of law of Ueki are still maintaining the winning formula of great humour,lost of power battles and of course those really cute and unique drawing styles that made Law of Ueki Plus (LoUP) so great.
Okay heres the preview so far ( I only read about 3 chapters) It appears everybody in the world is losing their memories and Ueki seems to be the only not affected!!!! The part where Mori tried to gather the rest of the gang for a reunion was actually heart breaking as no one seem to remember who she is anymore! (Noooo And I was really looking forward to more towel/steel action by Sano and bead/bomb explosions by Rinko) Sigh but i guess the creator just wanna
introduce some new chracters later in the series to for a new storyline. So than came a long a power user that came with the power to turn chalk into dynamite that came to capture a really weird looking sheep/dog name Wool that Ueki came across that apparently is the source for the memory loss across the world. Ueki being Ueki quikly found out the power weakness totaly OWN HIM. Hahahaha just kidding though he found the weakness without his powers and sacred treasures he just barely made it out alive and with the help of the dog/sheep he manage to get away from the crazy power user!
So with some explanation and history lesson by the Wool they head of to the Hangenkai which apparently use to be place where hell, earth and heaven use to be one to look for a way to save everybody's memories! The journey continues!
Hahahaha to honestly tell you this really seem like dejavu for me since this like my second blog (my last one I kinda forgot my password lol ).Anyway new blog new entries and I hope I got a better memory this time!
Now on to my first posting! Today I went to the most gruelling run of my life which ironically was name the "FUN RUN". Damn that was such a misleading name! It was pure torture running through 5km of the rockiest terrain I ever put my poor soles on! It was seriously dumb I actually thought it will be kinda like the Merentas Desa events that I use to go back in SMI! But boy was I sure wrong! And for some sadistic reason I was put in the U21 group and was force to take the longer route..Sigh that’s life for you! (The girls got a shorter more "easier" route as far as I can see at that time) Heck if I was not so tired I would already take some photos of my trek but unfortunately I was to tired walking that long of a distance!
Hahahaha but at he end it was kinda worth it as there was the always reliable Aussie barbecue waiting for me at the end the sausages by my standards was HUGE Hashanah! Heck I eat about 8 of them and was not even caring weather it was BURNT or not (well actually all of them was black) Sigh but after a gruelling and dumb hike like that one can't complain can you? So about 2pm it was over and the bus back to
Spy eye

Sign by Danasoft - For Backgrounds and Layouts
About Me
- I made mistakes, face disappointments, heart broken,assaulted, mugged and faced empathy. Life can be tough to face sometimes and to some people all life can be impossible all the time. But when we look back and reflect on our memories and achievements we will find that life is not so bad after all. This blog is my reflection on those memories.
- Australia (11)
- books (1)
- comics (3)
- Cryptography (1)
- education (3)
- Exams (1)
- Health hazards (3)
- How To (2)
- Humour (8)
- Internet (5)
- IT (1)
- Malaysia (11)
- manga (1)
- Movies (3)
- personal (22)
- photos (1)
- politics (10)
- Random Ramblings (34)
- science (2)
- Season Greetings (6)
- Songs (1)
- Spiritual (1)
- sports (2)
- The economy (4)
- university (7)
- Zombie Survival For Idiots!
- Tagged by Karen! (ok i play along with this game)
- What I miss most about Malaysia!
- Love Calculator Does It Actually Work?
- Why I love the lyrics of this song by Corrine May!
- This is just a post i use to have on friendster so...
- Law of Ueki Plus Preview!
- New Blog! Fun Run!The Most tiring Day!
Bye Malaysia?